Aleksandra has several years of experience in obtaining external financing for enterprises – both from the SME sector and large ones - in the form of subsidies and tax exemptions. Aleksandra deals with the acquisition and settlement of support from EU funds, government grants and tax exemptions within the Polish Investment Zone / Special Economic Zones, as well as R&D incentives, among others for clients from the manufacturing, IT and research and development sectors.
Swoje doświadczenie w doradztwie zdobywa od 2007 r. Aleksandra pracowała w międzynarodowych kancelariach oraz firmach doradczych z tzw. wielkiej czwórki, gdzie kierowała kilkunastoosobowym zespołem zajmującym się dotacjami i zachętami inwestycyjnymi. Od listopada 2020 r. związana z TaxLab na stanowisku Counsela.
Aleksandra is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, she completed legal apprenticeship. She is the author of a number of publications on state aid and on obtaining financing from external sources in the form of subsidies and tax reliefs.
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